Monday, December 8, 2008


Once upon a time my leaves were yellow and my trunk was red. It was around the same time that dinosaurs walked the earth and all land was one. And yes, all trees were the same color as me. I lived like that for centuries together. Until one day when I met a three feet tall painter named CMYK. He spent days looking at me. And finally one day, he brought along buckets full of the color blue. And jumped from one branch to the other adding the color blue to each of my yellow leaves. Once he’d finished, he stood at a distance appreciating his work but I knew something had gone terribly wrong. The next day I realized it was my trunk and my branches. He didn’t like the red anymore and started adding the color green to it. He went around painting every tree around me. It’s only then that I realized that my leaves, like theirs were green and my trunk was brown. And I lived happily ever after with the blue sky as my background forever and ever.

(poster on a tree)

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