Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Manoj K

It was a boring Sunday and something spoilt the peace. It was a song reverberating from somewhere. I looked left and right, and then I was able to pin point the location. It was a song coming from the ants’ colony, which was in front of me on the ground. It was the ‘Yes, we can!’ song (words used by the new American President to convince the American public). At first, I didn’t understand what was happening there. Then I realized it was a song being sung by the hard working soldiers to motivate the occupants of the ants’ colony. The soldiers were building a colossal wall to prevent the termites from attacking the kingdom. And the whole operation was supervised by the queen ant.

I thought the ants will succeed in their task. But a tragic incident happened. A swaggering fat man walking with his bulldog stepped on the ants’ wall. The sweat and toil of the entire colony came down in an instant. The fat man was totally unmindful of his act, and continued his walk on the road. But on the ground, the helpless soldiers were seen running to save their lives and sadly, some of them were crushed to death. I thought the ‘wall building mission’ had come to a close. But I was wrong. I once again heard something. Yes, it was the queen ant who was now singing the ‘Yes, we can!’ song. And soon, I saw the entire colony hum with her and assemble to complete the wall building task. Thus came to an end the heroic mission of the ants.

(On an apartment/ house gate or at the skating rink at Coles Park)

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